Many original photographies from WWI were destroyed, lost or damaged as years went by. Despite these deteriorations, we managed to collect more than 30,000 authentic pictures of soldiers and fighters, men and women, derived from hundred years old documents of countries involved in the war.
We have developed a powerful algorithm able to recognize the key features of each face in spite of the low quality and different orientations of these original pictures.
After lowering the opacity on each picture, all photographs were combined to create a single face. The final result is composed with faces of men and women from different countries. Regardless of their nationalities, no distinctions were made between winning and defeated parties as these people were first and foremost lives broken by the Great War.
Discover it by placing your hand at 30 cm above the sensor
Move your hand from left to right to navigate between the portraits
Move your hand closer to the sensor to see the detail of a portrait
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